Insurance is an agreement by which an individual or an entity protects him/herself from financial loss. It is a form of risk management with the primary aim of protection from uncertain loss
There two types of vehicle insurance Private and Public Service Vehicle. Under these two, you choose either Comprehensive or Third party.
This insurance covers the vehicle against theft, accident and fire due to mechanical malfunction. It does not however cover the rider/driver.
Third party
This insurance covers the passengers, the vehicle you had an accident with, the vehicles’ passengers and any pedestrian injured due to the accident. It does not cover the rider/driver.
Private Insurance
This insurance is for private vehicles, which do not carry fare paying passengers. Like company vehicles, rentals and personal vehicles.
- Private Motor bike Insurance
- Private vehicle insurance
- Private Car Insurance COMP 4% value of car and 10% of that amount service fee (includes help with claiming process)
- Private Car TPO 1yr 6500/=
- Public Service Vehicle Insurance (Motorbike)
- This is insurance for public service vehicles which carry fare paying passengers. Like taxis, boda’s and matatu.
- P.A (Personal Accident)
- This insurance covers the individual/rider/driver in the event of an accident on the road, at home and or anywhere in the country.
- Annual premium: this is the amount paid per year
- Medical: this is the maximum amount reimbursable for treatment cost incurred
- Hospital Cash: this is the benefit allocated to an individual after being hospitalized for a week and is not discharged
- PTD (Permanent total disability): this is the benefit allocated to an individual who due to the accident became disabled
- This insurance covers the individual/rider/driver in the event of an accident on the road, at home and or anywhere in the country.